Campaign Finance Data
in Sacramento


Total amount reported by local officials

City Council
Board of Supervisors

Last updated on October 14, 2023 at 01:06 AM

Darrell Steinberg


Lisa Kaplan

City Council, District 1

Sean Loloee

City Council, District 2

Karina Talamantes

City Council, District 3

Katie Valenzuela

City Council, District 4

Caity Maple

City Council, District 5

Eric Guerra

City Council, District 6

Rick Jennings

City Council, District 7

Mai Vang

City Council, District 8

Phil Sterna

Supervisor, District 1

Patrick Kennedy

Supervisor, District 2

Rich Desmond

Supervisor, District 3

Sue Frost

Supervisor, District 3

Pat Hume

Supervisor, District 4

About the data

Where does the data come from?

The data is scraped from the city's financial reports site and the county's site. The last time scrape was on October 14, 2023 at 01:06 AM California time. The scraper code is here.

What years does the data represent?

We have scraped all data since 2014, though we only scrape data for the current year regularly.

Are all contributions included or only those above a certain amount?

All contributions reported to the city and county governments should show up here.

Is the data altered?

We only do two things with the data:

  1. We normalize some of the contributor names to account for slight spelling differences.
  2. We aggregate the contributors by contributor to show the full amount and not the per transaction amount.

Are there contribution limits?

The Fair Political Practices Commission sets the limits for local candidates.

What if there's a mistake?

Please let us know by opening an issue on Github.